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TOGAF 9.1 Foundation
Course yang membahas tentang enterprise architecture dengan framework menggunakan TOGAF 9.1. Materi bahasan adalah tentang persiapan menghadapi ujian sertifikasi TOGAF 9.1 Foundation. Peserta yang telah mengikuti course ini diharapkan mampu menyelesaikan soal-soal ujain sertifikasi TOGAF 9.1 Foundation.
- Introduction
- Basic Concepts
- Core Concepts
- Key Terminology
- Introduction to the ADM
- The Enterprise Continuum and Tools
- The ADM Phases
- ADM Guidelines and Techniques
- Architecture Governance
- Views, Viewpoints, and Stakeholders
- Building Blocks
- ADM Deliverables
- TOGAF Reference Models
Software Requirements:
- Daniel Minoli, Enterprise Architecture A to Z: Frameworks, Business Process Modeling, SOA, and Infrastructure Technology, Taylor & Francis, 2008
- Jon Holt and Simon Perry, Modelling Enterprise Architectures, The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2010
- Open Group Standard, TOGAF® Version 9.1 (G116), The Open Group, 2011
- Open Group Standard, TOGAF® Version 9.1 A Pocket Guide (G117), The Open Group, 2011
- Rachel Harrison, Study Guide TOGAF® 9 Foundation 2nd Edition, The Open Group, 2011
- Rachel Harrison, Study Guide TOGAF® 9 Certified 2nd Edition, The Open Group, 2011